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We offer motivation and training to staff for sustainable growth for their effeciency in their jobs.


Company in-house trainings

We get everyone motivated to action.


Student & Community trainings

We get students and community members to be ready for high level performance and effeciency to be delivered in different organisations.




Training and Development

Training is the development and delivery of information people will use in their jobs. This definition distinguishes training from other situations where people are provided information but they are not necessarily expected to use it. The distinction between training and non-training activities is an important one. Mainly the process for developing training is substantially different from that of non-training activities.

Development refers to learning interventions that make people better. Employee development is almost universally recognised as a strategic tool for an organisation's continuing growth, productivity and ability to retain valuable  employees. 

 (a) Learning styles

Nomatter training or development people learn in various ways. Learning styles indicate the most effective methods of instruction forvarious types of learners. When developing training content and delivery methods  recognising these differences enhances the effectiveness of training. Three distinct learning styles are visual (our visual learners like to see when learning) auditory (these learners simply learn better by listening) and kinesthetic (these learners best acquire new skills and knowledge by doing something). Although everyone learns in all of these styles each person has one dominant learning style. 

A study of over 5300 participants identified the following breakdown among learning styles which are believed to be representative of the general population, 29% of participants were visual while 34% were auditory and 37% were kinestatic. Although each person normally has one dominant learning style each of us learns in all three ways. A small number of people learn just as easily using any of the three styles. Trainers should recognise these various styles and present materials to stimulate all three. Often when people are asked to assume a trainer role they begin with an image ofg training based on how they were taught in the past. In most instances the image in their minds is closely related to how they were taught as children in school. But there are some significant differences between children and adults as learners. IUt is important to understand these differences  reffered to: Pedagogy- the art and science of helping children learn and Andragogy - the art and science of helping adults learn so that you can gear your training to the needs of your adult audience. Let's first look at pedagogy how we learnt as kids. Typically children relyon others to decide what is important to be learnt, such as the teacher in the classroom. They accept information that is being presented at face-value with very little question. They expect what they are learning to be useful in their long-term future and they have little to no experience upon which to draw in their learning environment and as such have little ability to serve as a knowledgeable resource for the teacher or classmates in their learning environment. Andagogy or how adults learn is a little bit different for instance adults decide for themselves what's important to be learnt. They need to verify information that's taught or provided in a lesson based ontheir own beliefs and experiences. They expect to have learning that's immediately useful to them and have a lot of past experiences upon which to draw from in their learning environment and therefore have a significant ability to serve  as a knowledgeable resource to the trainer and learners around them. The differences between children and adults as learners point to the need to follow specific principles when trainiong adults. They are seven. First: Focus on real world problems, Second: Emphasise how learning can be applied, Third: Relate learning to teh goals of the learner, Fourth: Relate the learning to past experiences of the learner, Fifth: Allow debate and challenge of ideas, Sixth: Listen to and respect the opinions of learners, and seventh and Finally: Encourage learners to be a resource to you the instructor and to one another..


With taht you can see it is importnt to know and understand the most basic training toolused by professional trainers. It is caklled the ADDIE model. (ADDIE stand for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation).

You see it here, the ADDIE model is a generic, systematc step by step framework trainers use to develop great initiatives.

In the first phase Analysis: needs and objectives of the learning are established. In the Design phase: learning objectives, session structure and resources are identified. During the Development Phase: content for the training session is completed. The Implementation phase: involves the preparation and delivery training content, and finally the Evaluation phase: is an ongoing process that ensures all stated goals of the learning process will meet specified needs identified in analysis.

Many organisations recognising the strategic importance of learning strive to become learning organisations. A learning organisation embraces a culture of lifelong learning enabling all employees to acquire and share knowledge all the time. Training processes are carefully sctrutinised and aligned with organisational goals. Managers take an active role in identifying training needs and helping to ensure that employees use their training in their work. Also employees are actively encouraged to share knowledge with colleagues and other work groups. In a learning organisation training is seen as one part of a system designed to develop people through continuouis learning. A great way that learning organisations practically apply their copmmittment is a corporate university which is a model of delivery for organisational learning.


Togain the advantages of centralised training many organisations use the organisational university model. Organisational universities are intrernal organisational entitiesdesigned to brand and execute traioning and development initiatives that foster a culture of learning. The corporate university can help make learning more strategioc by providing a clear mission and vision for learning and ensure that it is aligned with business needs.It can also help organisations who have a strong business culture and values ensujre that those values and mission are emphasised in learning curriculum,. Thisoccurs through providing consistent training activities disseminating best learning practices, effectively using technology, and establishing partnerships to develop custom training programs that serve employee and organisational needs.

Organisational universities represent one of the most powerful growing trends in the organisational environment today. Experts estimate that more than 2000 organisational universities exist in the United States. The number of organisational universities is growing . Currently 29% of organisations are establishing an iorganisational univerity or planning to do so. 95% of employeesindicate a greater interest in connection with learning through an organisational university.The organisational university phenomenon is an important tool to help HR startegically manage talent and implementr great learnming and development.    


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